March 08, 2016 at 01:12AM View BBCode
Glad to be here. I haven't ever been apart of variable development. I read up on it and it seems awesome.
Just to clarify, in order to determine those that are going to be good; you just compare their rate of development each season? And then there are possibly those that can develop at random into studs. I was a bit confused.
March 08, 2016 at 03:00AM View BBCode
Originally posted by RiceRaider52
Glad to be here. I haven't ever been apart of variable development. I read up on it and it seems awesome.
Just to clarify, in order to determine those that are going to be good; you just compare their rate of development each season? And then there are possibly those that can develop at random into studs. I was a bit confused.
i'm going to describe variable development as such: you get screwed and you get lucky. Not the same thing.
You'll draft a 17 year old B/C/C+ starting pitcher who goes 0/65 every year in the minors. He becomes worthless.
You'll draft a 17 year old B/C-/D+ starting pitcher and he'll be "A" overall by age 27.
Read each of the categories. There's no real way (that I've figured out at least) to know what curve they're on but you can sometimes guess based on their development.
Also, do whatever Simba does. Best advice I can give you.
March 09, 2016 at 12:48PM View BBCode
Welcome. This is a competitive and fun bunch. You'll have a good time.
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