Nuzzy's prospects report
July 26, 2009 at 12:22AM View BBCode
My annual look at who has the most talent in their farm system.
Starting pitching
17YO: None
18YO: George Trillo, CHA. Trillo is the best starting pitcher, under 21 - but that's not saying much. Having said that, he should develop an A- overall pitcher, who will be a decent #3 or 4 starter.
19Y0: Mike Weaver, Det. Could develop A- control
20yo: 1. Curt Hendrix, was (B- overall A-/C- split); 2. Lee Runnells Cincy (C+ B/C-); 3. Barry Springer Cin (C- C-/C). A lack of talent several drafts in a row is evident here.
21yo: 1. Ricky Hinzo Jr Phil (B+ A+/C+); 2. Ron Thompson Cin (B- C/B+); 3. Gary Shotten Pit (B B+/C+). Thompson may end up the best pitcher as he has more room for growth.
22yo: 1. Nigel Wilkie STL (B+ C+/A+); 2. Mark McVey Bro (B+ B/A-); 3. Charlie Roper CHA (B C/A). Wilkie and McVey should be studs. Several other pitchers who should have productive careers like Harrison (Mon) and Johnson (Tex)
Farm standings after Starting pitching
(5 for first, 3 for second; 1 for third)
1. Cincy Sinners 7
2. Chicago Baseballs 6
3. Det, Phil, Was, Stl 5
7. Bro 3
8. Pit 1
[Edited on 8-7-2009 by nuzzy62]
July 26, 2009 at 01:18AM View BBCode
Relief Pitching
17yo 1. Paul Dorner Stl (B B-/B); 2. Mike Leifer Det (C C+/C-). Dorner's a future stud closer and fell into Hooty's lap at the third pick.
18yo: None
19yo: 1. Monte Mcgee det (C+ B-/C+); 2. Johnny Scherman Mil (C C-/B-); 3. Sherman Phebus Mon (C+ B+/D+). Scherman could develop into a starter.
20yo: 1. Gene Kavanaugh bro (B B-B+); 2. Dave Watts Mil (B B/B); 3. Mike Gerhart Was (B A+/C-). I like Kavanaugh and Watts; Gerhart's got quite a few seasons to get his control up to B- to be servicable.
21yo: 1. Fred Just Mil (B+ B+/A-); 2. Tony Wanner Tex (A- A-/B+); 3. Bob Gutteridge NYN (B B-/B+). I have a professed man crush on Just.
22yo: 1. Jason Keough Bro (B+ B+/A-); 2. Babe Micelli Pit (B B/B+); 3. Everett gentile Pit (B+ A-/B). You could probably flip Micelli and Gentile, but they're still on Pitt so no biggie.
Farm standings after RP
1. Det & Bro 13
3. Milwaukee 11
4. St. Louis 10
5. Cincy 7
6. Was & CHA 6
8. Phil & Pit 5
10. Texas 3
11. Mon & NYN 1
[Edited on 7-26-2009 by nuzzy62]
July 26, 2009 at 01:59AM View BBCode
Since its by batters rather than by position, there's a lot more competition to get in the top three and a lot more debate. with variable development there could be some exciting swings from year to year (well, exciting if you're guy is a Gem and not a Bust)
17yo: 1. Carter Lange Bro (C overall, C- cvr/Bpvr/B+sp); 2. Paul Pinella Phi (C D-/B-/B); 3. Chris Mohler Det (C D+/C/A).
18yo: 1. Phenom Snover Phi (B B-/B-/A); 2. Onan Parker Mil (B- B/B-/C+); 3. Bud Ross Tex (C C/B/B-).
19yo: 1. Gary Moore Tex (B- C/B+/B+); 2. Dick Kohlmeier Cin (B- B-/B/A-); 3. Ron Garcia NYN (C+ C+/B-/B). A case could be made for Hooks Bell being on this list with his A power, but I really don't like his C- speed.
20yo: 1. sal Niggling Bal (B A+/B-/B); 2. George Revenig CHA (B- C+/B+/B); 3. Charlie Papa Bro (B- B/B/B-).
21yo: 1. Howdy Bryant Cin (B- C-/A+/A-); 2. Antonio Dominguez Mil (B B/B/B+); 3. Mark Peterson CHA (B- C/B/B).
22yo: 1. Cal Martin Mon (B+ B-/A+/B+); 2. Bill Williams Det (B C-/A/A+); 3. Allan Morgan STL (B+ B-/A/B+)
Final Farm Point standings
This has been the closest it's ever been at the top with the talent well-balanced around the league (mostly)
14. NYA, Cle, Bos 0
13. NYN 2
11. Pit, Bal 5
9. Was, Mon 6
8. Texas Outlaws 9
7. Chicago Baseballs 10
6. St. Louis Maroons 11
5. Philadelphia Newshounds 13
4. Cincy Sinners 15 (1969 champ)
2. Milwaukee Brewmasters and Detroit Losers 17
1. Brooklyn Bullys 19 (1968 champ)
July 26, 2009 at 02:02AM View BBCode
I'll also point out the NL has the farm talent advantage 88 to 47 so even though I believe the AL is stronger this year, It appears headed back to the NL a few years down the road.
July 26, 2009 at 12:11PM View BBCode
So, just out of curiousity, how does the points work here. Brooklyn appears to have the number 1 20 year old RP and number 1 22 year old RP yet has 0 RP points
July 26, 2009 at 12:58PM View BBCode
It's the special Bart rankings where no points count :-) You should have 13 points after RP
August 07, 2009 at 02:16AM View BBCode
1971 prospects report
17: 1. Slattery Cha C+; 2. Nahorodny Cle C
18: 1. Mitchell Cle C+ (not that good but no competition)
19: 1. Trillo Cha B; 2. Parent Cle C+ (see above)
20. 1. Weaver Det B-; 2. Howe Tex C+; 3. Crow Bos B-
21. 1. Maxwell Cin B-; 2. Hendrix was B-; 3. Runnels Cin B-
22. 1. Smith Mil A-; 2. Hinzo Jr. Phil A-; 3. Thompson Cin B
TEAM standings
1. Cleveland 11
2. CHA 10
3. Cincy 7
4. Det, Mil 5
6. Tex, Phil, Was 3
9. Bos 1
August 07, 2009 at 02:31AM View BBCode
17: 1. Colbert Mon C+; 2. Schiffer Det C
18: 1. Dorner STL B; 2. Belden Det C+
19: 1. Burke Stl C; 2. Callaway Bal C- (weak age group)
20. 1. Scherman Mil B-; 2. Spector Det B-; 3. Phebus Mon C+
21: 1. Kavanagh Bro B+ 2. Gerhart Was B+; 3. Watts Mil B
22: 1. Just Mil B+; 2. Gutteridge NYN B+; 3. Wanner Tex
TEAM standings
1. Milwaukee 16
2. Det 14
3. Cleveland 11
4. CHA, STL 10
6. Cincy 7
7. Was, Mon 6
9. Bro 5
10. Texas 4
11. Phi, Bal, NYN 3
14. Boston 1
15. NYA, Pit 0
August 07, 2009 at 02:49AM View BBCode
17: 1. Krueger CHA
18: 1. Wheeler NYN B-; 2. Lange Bro C+; 3. Pinella Phi C+ (Holy smokes!!! 19 players in this age group!!!)
19: 1. Snover Phi B; 2. Gainer Bro B-; 3. Ross Tex C
20: 1. Kohlmeier Cin B; 2. Edwards B- NYN; 3. Moore Tex B-
21: 1. Revening CHA B-; 2. Papa Bro B; 3. Butler Mon B-
22: 1. Bryant Cin B-; 2. Dominguez Mil B; 3. Morgan Was B-
TEAM standings
1. CHA 20 (so quit whining already the talent is coming)
2. Milwaukee 19
3. Cincy 17
4. Det, Brook 14
6. NYN, Cle 11
8. STL 10
9. Phil 9
10. Was, Mon 7
12. Texas 6
13. Baltimore 3
14. Boston 1
15. NYA, Pit o
August 07, 2009 at 04:52AM View BBCode
While I think you overlooked a hitter or two... i'm happy with my 4th ranking... especially since I just won the WS.
Never Rebuild!
August 07, 2009 at 08:37AM View BBCode
2nd place for the third strait year. Makes me feel a little better about trading away all my draft picks.
August 07, 2009 at 09:30AM View BBCode
thank god games aren't actually decided by Nuzzy's reports. If that happened, he'd win everything every year.
August 08, 2009 at 03:14AM View BBCode
Originally posted by sparxx
thank god games aren't actually decided by Nuzzy's reports. If that happened, he'd win everything every year.
Um...I actually finished ninth here.
August 19, 2009 at 10:57PM View BBCode
1972 Prospects Report
Starting Pitchers
17yo: 1. Milner NYN C. D- control suggests he won't be a factor, but there are no other pitchers in his age bracket.
18yo: 1. Slattery, CHA B-; 2. Speaker Cle C+; 3. Terlecki Det
19yo: 1. Mitchell, Cle B. No one in his age group, but C control.
20yo: Trllo CHA B; 2. Miggins NYN C+; 3. Parent Cle B-. I rated Miggins higher than Parent because the control was a B compared to a C-.
21yo: 1. Weaver Det B; 2. Repulski NYA B-; 3. Howe Bos B-
22yo: 1. Maxwell Cin B; 2. Runnells Cin B; 3. Hendrix Was B. Springer Cin B- also merited consideration.
Team totals after starting pitching
1. Chicago A 10
2. Cincy 8
3. NYN 8
4. Det 6
5. Cle 4
6. Bos, Was 1
AL: 22, NL 16
[Edited on 8-19-2009 by nuzzy62]
August 20, 2009 at 12:10AM View BBCode
It's whatever the site lists them as under rankings
August 20, 2009 at 12:21AM View BBCode
Relief Pitchers
17YO No one
18yo 1. Schelsin Mon B-; 2. Chiffer Det B-. Chiffer will probably be considered a starter by the time he's 22.
19yo 1. Dorner STL B+; 2. Belden Det B-
20yo: 1. Palmer Bal B-; 2. Callaway Bal C+; 3. Glenn Was C
21yo: 1. Walker Bos B+; 2. Scherman Mil B-; 3. Spector Det B
22yo: 1. Kavanagh Bro B+; 2. Watts Mil B+; 3. Wilbron Cin B-
Team totals after relief pitching
1. Det 13
2. CHA 10
3. Cin 9
4. Bal 8
5. NYN 8
6. MIl, Bos 6
8. Stl, Mon, Bro 5
11. Cle 4
12. NYA 3
13. Was 2
14. Phi, Pit, Tx 0
August 20, 2009 at 12:49AM View BBCode
Position players
Will rank 1-5 as there are so many more position players
17yo 1. Jerry Ellengsen Cle C; 2. Rich Knothe Bro C; 3. Haffner Cle C; 4. Morehead Stl C - there's really not much difference to choose from on 2-4.
18yo 1. May CHA B-; 2. Kruger CHA C+; 3. Almeida Tex C; 4. Hernadez Bos C+; 5. Torres NYA C
19yo 1. Lange Bro B-; 2. Pinella Phi B-; 3. Wheeler NYN B-; 4. Milkowski Det C+; 5. Fiske Stl B-
20yo: 1. Snover Phi B+; 2. Parker Mil B; 3. Richter Phi B-; 4. Williamson Was B-; 5. Ross Tex C+
21yo: 1. Kohlmeier Cin B+; 2. Moore Tex B; 3. Edwards NYN B-; 4. Penson Det B-; 5. Bell Bro B-
22yo: 1. Niggling Bal B+; 2. Devogt Mil B; 3. Papa Bro B; 4. Butler Mon B; 5. Smith Tex B-
August 20, 2009 at 12:57AM View BBCode
1972 Farm system of the year
16. Pit 0
15. Was 4
14. NYA 6
13. Mon 7
11. Stl, Bos 8
10. Tex 9
8. Phi, Cle 12
7. Bal 13
4. NYN, Mil, Cin 14
3. Det 17
2. Brooklyn 18
1. Chicago A 19
NL: 87, AL 88
[Edited on 8-20-2009 by nuzzy62]
August 20, 2009 at 02:31AM View BBCode
Detroit is staying at the top and still making the playoffs every year. See, you can rebuild with late round picks!
August 20, 2009 at 02:32AM View BBCode
i may have put nicholas long in there with the 20 year old hitters. (he's on my team, of course)
August 20, 2009 at 03:41AM View BBCode
There is a flaw in the system of course.
If you have the only-lets call him a 17 year old SP. You get the points even though his D- control will never make him a usuable pitcher. Compare this to the 18 year old who is C/C but is the third best 18 year old.
August 20, 2009 at 04:28AM View BBCode
Originally posted by barterer2002
There is a flaw in the system of course.
If you have the only-lets call him a 17 year old SP. You get the points even though his D- control will never make him a usuable pitcher. Compare this to the 18 year old who is C/C but is the third best 18 year old.
Yes, but as the 17yo gets older, he drops out of the rankings because he isn't good enough. It's just at the moment there aren't enough pitchers in his age category.
Having said that, both Brooklyn and Det have been consistently ranked in the top four, so it can't be that flawed :rolleyes:
August 20, 2009 at 11:50AM View BBCode
Todd and I both draft young. thus we tend to have quality prospects in each age group. Hopefully that means we'll develop good teams but the top prospects tend to be on teams that draft early
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