Possible Hall of Fame rules
January 24, 2008 at 03:56PM View BBCode
Ozzie Smith League Hall of Fame: RULES
1. Eligible Nominees
1.1) Players drafted in 1950 must have played 6 seasons.
1.2) Players drafted after 1950 must have played 10 seasons.
1.3) Players must have been retired for one full season before being eligible for nomination.
2. Balloting
2.1) There will be no limit to the number of players appearing on a ballot.
2.2) In order to be nominated for the ballot, a player who meets the requirements of Section 1 must be nominated by 2 current OSL owners. Players who appeared on prior ballots but failed to gain election may reappear on the next year's ballot if they get at least 10% of the votes cast.
2.3) An owner may vote for as few as zero (0) and as many as ten (10) eligible candidates deemed worthy of election. Write-in votes are not permitted.
2.4) For a nominee to be inducted, he must receive 2/3 of the votes cast in a given year. All OSL owners are eligible to vote each year. The voting will be held open for 14 days. At least 9 OSL owners must vote in order to achieve a quorum. Voting may be done either publicly through a thread post or privately via U2U to the Hall of Fame Coordinator.
2.5) Should a nominee fail to be elected after 6 consecutive seasons on the ballot, he will be ineligible for future consideration.
2.6) The OSL shall elect a Hall of Fame Coordinator who will serve a three-season term. The election shall be by majority vote. There are no limits on consecutive terms.
2.7) Voting will take place at the end of every post-season. The Hall of Fame Coordinator will notify league members that the floor is open for nominations. The floor will remain open for nominations for 10 days.
3. Nomination Process
3.1) Each owner should pay special attention to nominating his own players once they retire. For new (expansion) owners, and for journeyman players who played 3-4 seasons for multiple teams, ALL owners are encouraged to review the record books for All-Time accomplishments, All-Star appearances, various awards, etc. and nominate deserving individuals.
3.2) When nominating a player, include his Name, Primary Position, Team(s), career stats, All-Star appearances (including starts), awards and close finishes (2 MVPs, six total top 5), points of interest (3 WS rings, 2nd all time OPS, etc.), and anything else you think might help consideration.
3.3) A nominee will have his career statistics run through the rankings system on the Baseball Reference website. His rankings must be submitted in his nomination thread. Rankings will not disqualify any candidate from consideration, but they will provide a great tool for comparison.
4. The Hall of Fame
4.1) The Hall of Fame Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining the Hall of Fame thread and posting inductees. This duty may be delegated to individual owners.