CC games
January 06, 2008 at 06:52PM View formatted
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OK guys, anyone ready to play a few more games here. I'll start 8 of various maps and sizes. Trying to play some combinations I haven't done before. 4 team games and 4 singles games to see what interests people
Team Games
15372221. Quad teams Africa unlimited flat rate no fog
1537227 Triples teams Canada unlimited flat rate no fog
1537246 3 doubles teams Caribbean chained escalating no fog
1537256 2 doubles teams Space flat rate adjacent no fog
1537271 5 player American Civil War flat rate unlimited no fog
1537281 7 player Puget Sound escalating adjacent fog
1537289 6 player British Isles flat rate chained no fog
1537299 3 player Extreme Global Warming Escalating unlimited freestyle no fog
January 07, 2008 at 04:47AM View BBCode
Lookinfg for a cc doubles game? I just created one on my favorite map, cairns coral coast. two on two, freestyle, flat rate, chained. password is abeisevil. Lets party eh?
January 07, 2008 at 01:37PM View BBCode
Damn, OK I'm not very bright sometimes there The quad game is right but the rest are all singles.
January 07, 2008 at 01:47PM View BBCode
OK here are some team games
1542518 4 teams of 2 playing American Civil War standard flat unlimited no fog
1542520 2 triples playing Extreme Global Warming flat unlimited no fog
1542526 3 teams of 2 playing Alexander's Empire flat adjacent no fog
1542530 2 teams of 2 playing Puget Sound escalating chained no fog
January 08, 2008 at 04:54PM View BBCode
I will sign up when I get some spots available(not a premium member).
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