Lottery and Anti-Tank Rules
September 03, 2017 at 05:06PM View formatted
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I am pretty sure this thread explains the lottery to me;
Correct me if I'm wrong. But where can I find the anti tank rules?
And a question about the lottery.
I am going to have one of the worst records in my league. If it is the worst, then the lowest spot I could draft would be 4? Or 5? Or am I not understanding?
Thanks in advance.
September 03, 2017 at 06:54PM View BBCode
If you finish with the second worst record (your record now) and dont win the lottery, you will draft the #5 pick. You are understanding well.
Another anti tank rule is the WPM, you can read about it here: http://rules.simdynasty.com/index.php/Sim_Dynasty_Game_Guide#Winning_Percentage_Modifier
I dont remember any other anti-tank rule, I think this is it. Someone else help me here if I am wrong.
September 03, 2017 at 07:08PM View BBCode
Pretty sure that's it. The WPM kills if you get really bad
Draft order is:
Top three determined by lottery
Then worst to best record excluding lotto winners
September 04, 2017 at 01:45PM View BBCode
Thanks guys. I am getting worse than expected. I knew I would go south. I figured bicycle speed. Not rocketship speed...
September 04, 2017 at 04:46PM View BBCode
Winning Percentage Modifier
"Some leagues utilize this option, which modifies how many ICs a player earns based on the winning percentage of the team. Note that most leagues do not use this and that Dynasty and Trial leagues do not use this option. For leagues that do use this option, each player's chance of converting Major League Improvement Chances will be adjusted according to the number of games the team wins. Your players' chances of converting an IC will be influenced by your team's winning percentage. The breakeven point is a .460 Winning PCT, which is about 75 wins over a season. Teams that win more than that will have a greater chance of converting ICs, teams that win less than that will have a decreased chance of converting ICs. The upper ceiling is at about 91 wins, after that you don't get any more benefit from winning games. There is no lower floor. A team that wins 91 games will convert about 15% more ICs. A team that only wins 65 games will convert about 10% less ICs. This is meant to provide multiple paths to rebuild and provide an incentive for non-playoff teams to win games."
Isn't the last sentence contradictory to the first part?? Using my season as an example, my team isn't getting its brains beat in every game, but we are losing every game. So, not only do I have a chance not to get the top pick because of the lottery (which I like, maybe not all rounds), I lose chances for my team/minor leaguers to improve because my team loses 2-1 or 5-2 with regularity. I'm not sure how having less ICs to dole out would be part of a multiple path to rebuild. It would seem to me to be more of a double hammer.
Am I not reading this correctly? Because I am sue there are not a lot of guys paying a monthly fee to have a team just to get their brains beat in so they can get the first pick and then the 17th pick. (As you all know, it gets a little dicey after round 2.)
September 04, 2017 at 06:24PM View BBCode
i think you are misreading part of it. Minor league ICs are not affected by the WPM. It only affects major league players, and it doesn't affect how many ICs they get, but rather how many they convert.
If you can win at least 60-65 games it shouldn't hurt too much. I've never understood what's meant by an alternate path to rebuild, but it's definitely a challenging aspect - this is 1 of only 5 leagues that use it, out of over 100 leagues.
Your dedication and willingness to learn so far is awesome, keep asking questions. (Now get your minors down to 15 players, because having more than 15 is the one thing that will cost your minor leaguers ICs. And put more CPs on Ed Voyles, is he a locker room cancer, why won't anyone give the kid a chance :D
i think the majority of us are with you on having the lottery only apply to round 1, but we can't...we can only put in one draft order that applies to all rounds.
September 04, 2017 at 10:07PM View BBCode
Voyles will get a shot. I am trying to get a pitcher or 2 up a little so he doesn't get spanked every time he hits the mound. Trying to get next year a wee better competitive... I may have a retiree or two. Either on their own or with the scissors...
September 04, 2017 at 11:03PM View BBCode
"The multiple paths to rebuild" is there because in most leagues in the SD the undoubtedly best way to rebuild is selling all you best players for prospects, loose 120 games and picks the #1 draftee for 5-6 years.
Here you can do that, but you have to keep most of your prospects in the minors or you can keep some good veterans, or you can trade for veterans even if you are not trying to get to the post-season. I'm doing a little of which right now, if it wasn't for WPM I would already have traded or tried to trade Dutra, Kelly, Taylor and others.
And I undertand you because, I'm also trying to win games, but it is really hard, this is one tough league.
September 06, 2017 at 06:18AM View BBCode
2Below, a critical thing to learn about is called Bundling. There's so much to learn, but this is one of the most important things to know.
A player has a better chance of converting an IC the lower he is in a grade. Logical, obvious. But certain skills are bundled together to form an average grade level that they both improve at. These are CvR/PvR; CvL/PvL; Arm/Range; Velocity/Control.
A player with B Range and D arm is going to convert ICs in both skills at the rate of a C average. This is why we might project a player with B/D skills to reach A+/C+ - you'll normally gain an equal number of grades on both sides.
The classic example of this in the Sim is the pitcher with high velocity and poor control. The logical baseball fan figures this kid can throw 100 miles an hour, he has to eventually be good. But his low control will improve as if it's a B or C grade, it's often not enough.
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