We are in system 5
March 13, 2017 at 01:32PM View BBCode
Hey it looks like beta leagues are joining system 5 too.
I just discovered that we are already in system 5, so you should give 1 to 15 points to all your minors: here are the rules http://rules.simdynasty.com/index.php/Sim_Dynasty_Game_Guide#The_Six_Types_of_Minor_League_CP_Systems
March 14, 2017 at 01:17PM View BBCode
Not easy to draft when you're usually in the 17-24 range every year, and then throw in with the blind +/-
March 14, 2017 at 01:39PM View formatted
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Drafting: I just shove the bad splits and anything less than D+ to the bottom and trust my attribute rankings.
Hate the blind draft.
And yet, I like the letter system over numbers. Like a woman in the right lingerie, a **little** bit of mystery is a wonderful thing.
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