ALCS Slugfest
February 27, 2017 at 04:45PM View formatted
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In the first five games of the ALCS, Boston and New York have put up [b]**75**[/b] runs!
That's 15 runs per game, folks.
ERA Damage +5!
March 01, 2017 at 09:09AM View BBCode
Well, that was a full boat of a postseason.
Each series went the full seven games.
My congratulations and thanks to all my opponents for the challenges! WillyD (betauser24) and nhat8121.
While DynastyVision still doesn't work here ... I read each and every boxscore breathlessly!
Good luck in the OS.
March 01, 2017 at 10:33PM View BBCode
That group finally got another ring. Congrats! 6 WS out of 8, and 2 rings. Not too shabby!
March 02, 2017 at 12:38AM View BBCode
In any other league I'd be crowing ... but here --> well, let me get close to a couple dozen and then I *might* be able to
think about approaching WillyD nosebleed territory, LOL!
You've set the bar incredibly high, Bill. But I thank you for the kind words!
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