New Owner in NY
September 08, 2016 at 02:29PM View BBCode
Hey Guys,
I just took over the team in NY, and some changes are due. I'm willing to trade just about anyone over 28 right now, for this team is in need of a reboot. And please, do not send me 22 year old C+ players and a 2nd thinking I don't know value. I just took over a team elsewhere and 2 weeks of those offers are just insulting.
September 08, 2016 at 08:02PM View BBCode
Welcome and at least you don't have to face McMakin
September 09, 2016 at 03:22AM View formatted
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McMakin makes me lose sleep at night. I had a guy like that in the DML. I'll be the first one to shake his hand when he retires. In fact, I have a nice 20 year bottle of whiskey for him if he does it this season :D
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