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Last postMay 30, 2012 at 03:38AM
LocationChicago, IL
Note: Signature is unformatted so it can be copied easily to the new forum with formatting intact)
Brooklyn Cardinals -- Vince Coleman League

\'50 -- 2nd NL (93-70), 6 all-stars, Maun--FOY
\'51 -- 1st NL (97-65), NL Champs, 5 all-stars
\'52 -- 2nd NL (92-71), NL Champs, 4 all-stars
\'53 through 63 -- rebuilding (slowly)

St. Louis Cardinals -- Mookie Wilson League

\'56 -- WORLD CHAMPS!! 2nd NL (95-67), 4 all-stars
\'57 -- 2nd NL (99-63), 6 all-stars, Owens 2nd MVP
\'58 -- NL Champs! (110-52), Owens MVP, Orosco CY
\'59 -- 1st NL (111-51), Owens MVP, Spahn CY, Orosco 66 saves!!!
\'60 -- 2nd NL (103-59), 8 all-stars
\'61 -- 1st NL (105-57), McGee MVP, 7 all-stars
Moodcautiously optimistic

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