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Last postJuly 14, 2007 at 07:55AM
Note: Signature is unformatted so it can be copied easily to the new forum with formatting intact)

\"I\'m a little better then [Randy] Moss. I bring a lot more to the table than he does.\"

\"I\'m smart enough to know when I\'ve done something wrong, but I don\'t understand this. Guys are beating their wives, getting DUIs and doing drugs, and I get national attention for a Sharpie? People are personally attacking me, calling me a classless asshole because I did something creative during a game. Why?\"

\"I\'ve never really thought of myself as having an ego. I\'ve always found myself as having a lot of confidence. I know I have a lot of great ability. I know what I bring to the table.\"

â??You have a white guy as an announcer and sportscaster. Me, I\'m black. I do it and I\'ve already done some stuff in the past. We\'re more expressive than the white guys. You look at the skill players. We\'re the ones that get into the end zone. We get in the end zone more than they do.â??

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